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Me in number 16

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:53 pm
by Roger in No 16
Mornin all,
Well look what I found after putting 'Cats like plain crisps' into google.
It's me Roger who lived in the top floor front room of number16 with Nick.
Remember the bell we used to ring for special meetings, BomShanka... Ah but those were the days.
Yes Jerry lived in the downstairs front, and Anne, Julian and Zilli were downstairs back. Richard and Carol lived in the top rear rooms. And there were an old couple who lived in the rooms at the very back, he was a meter reader and moved in when the wrekers ripped out their floor next door.
Me and Richard are still good friends and we often meet though he's not anylonger with Carol.
Remember the first StoneHenge fest, Zorch played untill the police killed our generator, and Brig did the most amazing food tent, like an extention of the cafe really, he was with Maggy then.
Great to be a part of it all after all this time.
Ah yes I remember it well...

Re: Me in number 16

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:31 pm
by Weed
hi Richard, good to see you here :)

i remember you and Nick well -- hopefully see you on the Facebook Group as well? -

Re: Roger in number 16

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:51 pm
by Roger in No 16
It's me ROGER, not Richard (Dick), unless he has also just joined at the same time as me.
Anyway no prob's.
Mmm Weed,, I'll have to dig deep in the memory bank,, great to see photos from the past though, certainly brings back fond memories of people I haven't seen for so long. Shame all my photo's went missing whilst I was living in India. Well all but one, tried to paste it here but it didn't work.
I'll have another look through the photo achive to see if you have a named photo there.
I don't use facebook, closed my account down after friends suffered problems. But I'm happy to converse through this site, just as good if not better (as far as I can tell).
Bye till later...

Ha, it's you Chris of cause, should have known. The old greymatter is older than I think it seems, gets a little wonky as time slips on ya-know, forgive me.

Re: Me in number 16

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:25 pm
by Joviale
Hi Roger and welcome on board, can't say i remember you, but then again, for some weird reason i seem to have pretty fuzzy memories from that period!
I'm french joelle, from n°7, by the way.

Re: Me in number 16

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:40 pm
by Roger in No 16
Hey hi Joelle,, yes definately fuzzzy memories, and it was a little while ago,,, I'm having to go look at the photo streem to jog the cells, ,, names I remember but putting faces is something else, it's all got a bit mixed up.
I'll upload my old photo when I figure out how.
Till later.. Roger

Great photo uploaded, but it's gone to an earlier post..
Ah yes, now it's everywhere.

Re: Me in number 16

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:37 pm
by Chris S-S
Hi Roger
Good to have you here I do recognise your picture, I lived in a number of houses in the road 11,8,14 and finally in a caravan on the wasteland.
I last heard of Brig in Talley valley I expect he is still there but I don't think I have any contact details for him.
Welcome to the forum. There isn't a huge amount of traffic these days but a number of people get told when people surface and post here so people may emerge to say hello.

Re: Me in number 16

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:53 pm
by Joviale
Hi again, if you send me a personnal message i'll give you brigg's mail address, i'm not sure it's still good tough but worth a try.

Re: Me in number 16

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:07 pm
by Joviale
About putting names on faces, have a look at the mugshots, you might even recognise people we haven't named yet!:

