Animated images (gifs)

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Animated images (gifs)

Post by Weed »

Joviale wrote:ok, confess, where did you get your smiley, it's not on the list!
the short answer is: it's one i uploaded to -

[to see where an image is hosted just right click on it and select 'Copy image location', then paste it into Notebook or whatever]

as for the longer answer... smileys? animated gifs? to quote Sonny Boy Williamson, "Don't start me to talkin'..."


in 1996 Alan Mills (RIP) suggested i put together some agifs gathered from the web to show to potential clients of Venus Internet -- within a year the "Venus Animated Gifs Archive" had become one of the largest and most used online collections -- unfortunately the archive attracted a huge amount of traffic, which took up much of the available server resources, and this interfered with other web sites also being hosted by Venus -- (bandwidth was scarce in those days) -- so the archive was moved to some spare web space they had on a Verio server in the States -- i eventually transferred my pages at to but never got round to putting the gifs archive back up again -- it was no longer so important as by then there were plenty of other pages supplying people with free images (tho i don't think any of them were quite as cute lol) -- [remnants of the Venus archive can be found on the Wayback Machine, but without the music, the frames, the search facility and the scripts]

anyway i continued collecting quality gifs up to a few years ago, and still have thousands of them to hand -- (the categories were arrows, art, artifacts, balls, bars, birds, boats, books, bugs, buttons, cats, computers, construction, counters, dinosaurs, dogs, entertainment, explosions, eyes, fish, flags, flames, food, frogs, hearts, leisure, lights, limbs, "links", livestock, logos, magic, mail, mammals, monsters, multi-image, music, "new", nature, patterns, planes, planets, plants, pumpkins, reptiles, science, skulls, smilies, stars, symbols, text, vehicles, "welcome", yule)

here are a couple of agifs which were added to the archive during March 1998 -- the "under construction" came from It's Alive (used when building web sites, to convey a page isn't finished), and the gymnast from Ms Tanya (this one only works for a limited amount of time, and its rotation speed depends on your browser version and or CPU speed) -

Image . . . . . . . Image

[i think the first online animations were created by Royal E Frazer Jr in 1995 -- it was rumoured that he discovered a bug in Netscape 1.1 which allowed several images contained within a single GIF89a format file to be displayed in rapid succession, and thus an animation could be created -- information about them spread via Usenet, mainly on the newsgroup comp.infosystems.www.authoring.images -- animated gifs quickly became popular, so much so that not only did the 'bug' became a 'feature' of subsequent releases of Netscape (then the dominant web browser), but Microsoft too were forced to incorporate the 'bug' into the recently developed Internet Explorer, so their users could also view them]
Last edited by Weed on Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:09 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Animated images (gifs)

Post by Dominic »

Happy New Year everyone!
I like the gymnast. ....Here's one my brother sent to me.-
mouse on mouse.gif
mouse on mouse.gif (55.69 KiB) Viewed 35433 times
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Re: Happy Christmas one and all

Post by Weed »

@Dominic - yes, that's a good one :lol:
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Animated images (gifs)

Post by Joviale »

I have a few like that one but i don't now how to record them on to my computer. Should i download them into something like photoshop (or gimp). Because when i tried pasting the address in my bloc-note, which is what i understood i was supposed to do from weed's comment, it didn't work, i couldn't open it again. Sorry to be so dim, but i need very detailled instructions otherwise i'm lost (and i suppose translating them into french doesn't help!).
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Animated images (gifs)

Post by Weed »

Joviale wrote:I have a few like that one but i don't now how to record them on to my computer.
i don't understand -- if you have them, then they are already on your computer
Joviale wrote:Should i download them into something like photoshop (or gimp).
these are both graphics programs used for creating or editing images -- but they are not very useful for working with animations -- if you want to make your own animated gifs, then you're better off using Ulead GIF Animator or Easy Gif Animator
Joviale wrote:Because when i tried pasting the address in my bloc-note
i don't understand "bloc-note" (is this French for "Clipboard" or maybe "Notepad"?)
Joviale wrote:Sorry to be so dim, but i need very detailled instructions otherwise i'm lost
i'm not sure what the problem is -- your animated gif works fine :) you did it exactly the same way i did it (using the IMG tag) -- the only difference is that my images are coming from my own web space (, and your image is coming from someone else's webspace (

if you have images on your own computer and you want to use them in forums, then i can give you some public webspace where you can put them -- you will need an ftp [file transfer protocol] program to transfer the images from your computer to the public web space (it's a simple process), or you can use one of the many online ftp sites to transfer the files, or you can just send them to me as email attachments and i'll upload them for you and send you back their URLs (addresses)
Joviale wrote:And i was wondering if we shouldn't have a proper topic where we could post our gifs and then any of use can use them?
sure, we could have a topic (or forum) for people wanting to share their favourite animated gifs :)

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Animated images (gifs)

Post by Joviale »

i don't understand "bloc-note" (is this French for "Clipboard" or maybe "Notepad"?)
Yes it is.

Joviale a écrit:
Sorry to be so dim, but i need very detailled instructions otherwise i'm lost
your image is coming from someone else's webspace (
Yes precisely, and i remember you said that was BAD, because people can resent the fact that other people use their space, (although this seems to be a kind of site made for it?).
i can give you some public webspace where you can put them -- or you can use one of the many online ftp sites to transfer the files, or you can just send them to me as email attachments and i'll upload them for you and send you back their URLs (addresses)
Of course the last one seems the easiest for lazy me, but i should really learn how to do these things. My photos are hosted on flikrs, can i stick these animations there as well?
sure, we could have a topic (or forum) for people wanting to share their favourite animated gifs :)
So that's done. Would you write a proper "direction for use, which can go at the top of this subject (i think you have to say it's a post-it), completing the directions you gave me?
That really freaked me out because the computer i'm using just now is very old with not much memory space!
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How to post animated images (gifs)

Post by Joviale »

I moved this topic from where it was so as to make it a proper topic.
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Re: Animated images (gifs)

Post by Joviale »

I just love that one! And it goes well with my signature underneath.
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Re: Animated images (gifs)

Post by Weed »

i've just uploaded about 1200 unsorted smileys -

it's a folder listing -- click on the filenames to see them

they're a mixture of animated and non-animated -- many of the smileys have descriptive names, so if you need a particular smiley, this could be a quick way to find it -- to include one of them in your forum post, use the "Img" tag -- (i've added extra spaces inside the brackets in order to show the tag) -

[ img ][ /img ]

substitute "filename.gif" with the name of the smiley you've chosen
99.8% are gifs -- there's just a couple of jpgs
most of them should work fine, tho there's a few duplicates
some of them may be NSFW

(if you're not sure how to use them, click on "Reply", have a go at including one, and instead of submitting, use the "Preview" button)

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Re: Animated images (gifs)

Post by Joviale »

Nice ones!
loup.gif (17.31 KiB) Viewed 34128 times
doubledecker.gif (24.25 KiB) Viewed 34128 times
chat.gif (14.41 KiB) Viewed 34128 times
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